Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Key Chain Lanyard with Buckle

A guy the other day wanted a lanyard that he could attach his keys to but also detach they key when getting ready to start his car. I had seen similar things around the internet that used a buckle at the end of the lanyard for this very reason. The lanyard is done with a four strand round braid of alternating colors and then spliced back on itself closer to the buckle. The bottom is done with a simple solomon braid knot. The colors used are white and caribbean blue.


  1. Wow! That looks great! Also love the color choice ;) Adding a buckle is actually a great idea and it makes it more versatile. If you are interested in learning more knots and techniques, I suggest that you take a look at this great tutorial:

  2. Custom lanyards typically have a company logo or slogan imprinted onto their straps. They can also have a logo/slogan imprinted onto their retractable badge reel. The non-retractable items may come with a special surface that allows having a company logo imprinted onto it. Personalized lanyards can become a perfect accessory for promotional purposes, as well as they can make for an affordable customized present for anyone

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