Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Duck or Coyote Call Lanyard

I had a buddy of mine call me the other day and requested my own rendition of a duck call lanyard made outta paracord. I gave him some ideas on the look and colors, and then after some back and forth I came up with this. The size of the picture makes it a little difficult to see the exact techniques and knots used so I will explain them here:

  • Major part of the lanyard is done with a cobra or solomon knot
  • The ball looking knot on the bottom is a 3X5 Turks head knot with 3 passes
  • Every one of the loops is done with a Gibbet Knot
I used Olive Drap and Orange Camo for the colors.

I also tied one for my self, since I liked the idea and construction so well. There is only a couple differences between his and mine that I felt we necessary. First is that the cord used to loop is put the the part of the solomon bar that goes back and forth in the middle. In the first lanyard that I made, I put the cords through the outside loop of the solomon bar. I made the change because in my version the lanyard will lay flat on a table or my chest. It's really not a big deal I just prefer it that way. The other change I made was that the bottom loop passed through both solomon bars that are pressed together underneath the Turks head knot. This is done for more of a symmetrical look, instead of a practical use. 

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